Map of project

The MWRA will start a water pipeline replacement project in Lynn on Monday, October 1, 2007. Work hours will be from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.
About the Project
Work to replace a 16-inch diameter water main will take place along the sidewalk on the odd-numbered side of Newhall Street, from Sagamore Street to the Lynnway. The project will start at the intersection of Newhall Street and Sagamore Street, and progress downhill toward the Lynnway. Crews will cut into the existing sidewalk, excavate and remove the existing MWRA water main, and install a new water main.
Project Duration
The project is expected to take between 9 and 11 weeks. Construction activity will not occur in front of each building for the entire time. It is likely that each 50 to 75 feet of pipeline installation will take approximately one week to complete.
Access to Driveways and Walkways
Access to driveways and walkways will be limited during the work day. However, they will be accessible by the end of each work day.
Parking Restrictions
Parking on the odd side of the street will be restricted during work hours within designated work zones. Notices will be posted to allow for alternative parking.
Sidewalk Repair and Replacement
Asphalt will be placed over the areas of pipeline replacement at the end of each week. Depending on the weather, new concrete sidewalks will be placed in late fall or early next spring. Street sweeping will occur weekly.
Water, sewer, and gas services from your buildings may be affected by the work. The water service from the Lynn Water and Sewer Commission (LWSC) water main to your building will be replaced up to the property line as a part of this work. Water service will be temporarily affected as the connections are made. Each household will be notified before any service disruption. The sewer and gas services will also be exposed during the work, and will be inspected by the LWSC and Keyspan Gas Co. The lines will be repaired or replaced if conditions require such action.
Pest Control
The MWRA has hired A-1 Exterminators to conduct pest control in the area of the work. Please contact Jeffrey McLaughlin at (617) 660-7976 to schedule pest control services on your property.
Police Details
Please be advised the MWRA will be working closely with the Lynn Police Department and police details will be present during construction hours.
MWRA Contacts
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Jeffrey McLaughlin, MWRA Community Coordinator, at 617-660-7976 or by email. If any issues occur during non-working hours, please contact the MWRA Operations Control Center at 617-305-5950.
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