Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
2003 Report on your Drinking Water - a message from your local water department
Department of Public Works
Office of the Director
Town of Arlington Massachusetts 02476
Public Water Supply #: 3010000
The Town of Arlington Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) are pleased to provide you with the 2003 Drinking Water Quality Report. The MWRA treats and delivers water to many cities and towns in the area. The Town distributes the water through our pipe network into your home or business.
The Town continues to upgrade the water system by replacing aging pipes. Last year the DPW replaced approximately 8,000 feet of older six-inch pipe with eight-inch pipe. These upgrades will increase the flow capacity and decrease the potential for main breaks and leaks. The DPW is proposing the replacement of over 10,000 feet of pipe this year as well. We also plan to continue the water Flushing Program, improving water quality by removing sediments and mineral deposits. In addition, we will start a pilot unidirectional flushing program this year.
The DPW collects water quality samples at various locations throughout the town on a weekly basis. Over the last year all weekly water quality samples were within allowable limits for drinking water. Lead and copper samples are collected at other sites two times per year. These samples are then analyzed by the MWRA.
The DPW and the MWRA continue to work together to provide you the highest quality water available. We ask that you take the time to read this report. If you have any questions of comments please contact DPW at (781) 316-3106 or the Arlington Board of Health at (781) 316-3170.
Thank you,
John G. Sanchez