Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
2003 Report on your Drinking Water - a message from your local water department
Department of Public Works
Public Water Supply # 3023000June, 2004
Dear Bedford Resident:
The Department of Public Works thanks you for taking the time to review the 6th annual drinking water quality report provided to you in partnership with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Our Town’s water distribution system (80 miles) supplies water from two sources to the residents of Bedford. Both supplies are of high quality. Last year, the Town used 58,762,790 gallons of water from the Wellfields in town. MWRA (our other source) contributed 474,942,351 gallons for a total consumption of 533,705,141 gallons for the year 2003.
Bedford has bi-annual checks of our entire water distribution system, searching for leaks. Typically, we will find 1 leak in 7.3 miles of pipe. An average leak rate in New England is 1 leak in 4.9 miles of pipe. The rate of leakage is 1.0 - 15 gallons per minute. In Bedford, when leaks are found, they are fixed immediately.
Some residents have questioned the amount of lead in the water. The Town does yearly sampling of lead and copper values in the water. Our water samples are consistently below the EPA limits set at: Lead: 0.015 milligrams per liter (mg/l); and Copper: 1.3 mg/l. In 9 out of 10 homes, the value has been: Lead: 0.007 mg/l; and Copper: 0.18 mg/l.
Water Analysis
Bedford and the MWRA regularly monitor the water we deliver to ensure that we meet state and federal standards. Parameters for some of the more common tests are shown below.
Parameter (MCLG)
Ideal Goal(MCL) Highest
Level AllowedDetectedLevel
(We Found)Source 1. Fluoride 4 ppm 4 ppm 1.21 mgl Erosion of natural deposits, additive for dental health 2. Trihalomethane 0 Avg=80 ppb Avg=49 ppb Byproducts of water disinfection 3. Haloacetic Acids 0 Avg=60 ppb Avg=14.3 ppb Byproducts of water disinfection 4. Total Coliform --
5% Not Detected
ppm = parts per million. ppb = parts per billion. MCL = Maximum Contaminant Level. ND = Not Detected.
Definitions of terms and abbreviations (e.g., MCL and MGLC, etc.) are found on the attached MWRA Annual Water Quality Report. The MWRA report also includes other “required” U.S. EPA information for consumers.We hope that you have found this report helpful. Should you have any questions about your water quality, please call me at
781) 275-7605.Thank you,
Peter W. Churchill
Water and Sewer Superintendent