Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
2003 Report on your Drinking Water - a message from your local water department
Boston Water and Sewer Commission
980 Harrison Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02119
Public Water Supply #: 3035000
June 2, 2004
Dear Water Customer:
The 2003 Report on Your Drinking Water provides an opportunity for you to review the pertinent information that ensures your drinking water is of the highest quality. Boston’s drinking water is supplied by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) in partnership with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). We are pleased to be working with the MWRA on this joint communication on the quality of drinking water arriving at your home.
While Boston’s water supply remains amongst the highest quality in the world, our efforts continue to ensure that all BWSC customers were provided with safe, high quality water through water main flushing and water quality testing in 2003. Throughout the neighborhoods of Boston, the BWSC conducted sample testing and water main flushing to remove particles and eliminate discolored water in the system. The BWSC takes great pride in its efforts to maintain a water supply that is second to none!CITYWIDE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS
BWSC’s commitment in replacing and rehabilitating Boston’s water distribution system remained steadfast in 2003. Our system maintained an uninterrupted supply of high quality, potable water at sufficient pressure for consumption and fire protection. BWSC has once again met its goal of 17 miles of new or rehabilitated pipe citywide. SmartRead, the Commission’s new citywide automated water meter reading system, provides daily accurate reads for customers ensuring accurate bills. This upgrade eliminates “estimated billing,” promotes water conservation and reduces unaccounted for water losses. SmartRead will be fully deployed by the end of 2004.As for our customers, we hope you find this report informative and useful. If you would like additional information, you may contact BWSC’s Communications and Community Services Department at 617-989-7000. Questions regarding water quality information in the drinking water report may be directed to the MWRA at 617-242-5323.
Vincent G. Mannering
Executive Director