The weather is cooperating so the contractor is continuing to work within two areas with the permission of Arlington.
Activity continues in the area of the Park Circle water tower. We have to install approximately 30 more feet of pipe along with manholes. The activation of newly installed water lines will continue throughout the month of February provided the weather continues to cooperate.
Restoration of the water tower area will take place late spring or early summer depending upon the progress of work.
The other area where the contractor may begin to work next week is at the intersection of Spring Street and Hillsdale Road. The contractor is waiting for construction supplies to arrive and if they do arrive next week then they will begin the installation at this location.

New 54-inch Butterfly Valves
Progress Update by Street
This update will describe by street what has been accomplished and what remains to be constructed.
Brattle Street
Mass Avenue
Robbins Road (Lower)
Final paving will be complete today. Loam and seeding will be completed in areas.
Robbins Road (Upper)
General clean-up before winter
Hawthorne Road
General clean-up before winter
Park Avenue and Park Circle
Currently on hold waiting for gas company to relocate a gas line and repair a gas leak. Small work items remain prior to winter.
Brunswick Road Area
Brunswick Road
Paving complete. Pipe connections will be made at bottom of Brunswick/Pleasant Street.
Hillsdale Road
Paving is complete. Stumps removed the week of Oct.19, Sidewalks and driveway aprons will be repaired the week of Oct. 26.

Ledge Removal at Hillsdale Road
Pleasant Street
Large piping and valve work to begin next week. This work will continue through December 4, 2015.
Curb to curb paving of streets will be completed next year in the Spring/Summer of 2016.
Progress Update by Street
This update will describe by street what has been accomplished and what remains to be constructed.
Brattle Street
All of the pipe has been installed. The contractor plans on milling and paving the temporary patch with new asphalt on August 17, weather permitting.
Mass Avenue
All of the pipe has been installed. Paving within the patch area will occur in the fall.
Robbins Road (Lower)
All of the pipe has been installed and all of the service connections have been completed. Milling and paving of temporary patch with new permanent patch should take place around August 18. Smaller crews will be working and repairing within manholes. Temporary sidewalk patches will be replaced with concrete and restoration of loam strips will occur in late September.
Robbins Road (Upper)
All of the pipe has been installed. Milling and paving of temporary patch with new permanent patch. Any berms that were disturbed will be replaced. Paving will take place around August 19. Protection around the trees will be removed after all of the paving has been completed.
Hawthorne Road
All of the pipe should be installed by August 14. Additional work (pipe restraints/thrust blocks) will be installed at Robbins and Hawthorne and in the area of 6 Hawthorne. Paving will be replaced with permanent paving and berms will be installed.
Park Avenue
In the area of 1 Park Circle and 278 Park Avenue the project requires the installation of a large concrete vault and three manholes. The work within this area should begin around August 17. Once the above work is complete then the pipe installation will resume from Hawthorne Ave. into Park Ave. and up the hill towards the water tower. All of this work should be complete by the end of November.
Brunswick Road Area
Brunswick Road
All of the pipe has been installed and service connections have been completed. Temporary patch will be removed and permanent patch will be placed. This is scheduled to occur in the fall.
Hillsdale Road
The contractor is currently installing the town water and sewer lines. This should be complete by Thursday August 13. Next will be the installation of the new 36-inch line and that will begin around August 24. Once that is complete a temporary patch will be placed within the trench.
Pleasant Street
The contractor will be cutting into the existing 56-inch line located within Pleasant Street to install the T connection. This will begin around mid September and will continue until late October.
Explanation of patching
When the contractor completes the pipe installation they will follow that work with a temporary patch. Once that is complete the contractor will come back and make a wider, neater, two- to four-inch milled area and then place asphalt within the same area. This is generally a neater, smoother finish that will hold up for a few seasons, if not longer. In areas where final paving is called for, the contractor will come back and mill/grind the entire street and pave the entire street for a nice, clean, smooth finish.
Final paving from curb to curb will be done in the spring/summer of 2016. Generally it is best to wait a full season or two to allow for the trench to settle and then come back and finish with final paving. This ensures a better surface for years to follow.