About this Project:
This project will provide water service redundancy for Boston, Canton, Norwood, Stoughton, and Dedham‐Westwood, through construction of a redundant pipeline. The project will also increase distribution storage within the service area to improve system operation and reliability. Work will include the construction of a pipeline from the Bellevue storage tank to East Street in Westwood.
Contract 2 of the Southern Extra High pipeline project has started. The contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, has completed their first phases of work which involved the protection and wrapping of trees along the pipeline alignment. Other trees have been marked and removed along Dedham Blvd and further along the alignment. The first phase of pipe work involves the installation of a new drainage line along with the primary focus of installing the new 36” water line. This work began in the area of Emmett Avenue to just beyond Charity Lane. Once the drain line has been installed the contractor will go back and begin to install the new 36” water line within Dedham Blvd. from the Boston line and head in the direction of Emmett Avenue. This work will be continuous with traffic detours in place on a daily basis. Traffic detours are described below.

Traffic Impacts:
Dedham Blvd will be closed in both directions from Sawmill Lane to Alwin St. except for abutters. Southbound will be detoured at Alwin St to Turtle Pond Parkway onto River St. Northbound will be detoured onto Milton St. to River St and Turtle Pond Parkway.
Walnut Street will be closed in both directions from Whiting Avenue to Milton Street. The detour will utilize Whiting Avenue, River Street and Milton Street.
The contractor plans on utilizing a second crew and they will begin on Walnut Street at Oakdale Avenue heading South towards Mt. Vernon Street. This crew plans to begin the 36 inch water pipeline installation work on Monday, March 5, 2018. Residents in this area will begin to see preliminary work involving surveys, test borings and pits, tree protection, and the installation of the 36” pipe. All roads where the new pipe is installed will be paved from curb to curb at the end of this contract. This contract (two) is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2019.
MWRA has developed a notification system for communicating information to residents regarding construction projects, community meetings and more. Once you sign up you will receive periodic updates on the progress of the construction project, as well as traffic detour updates. We encourage all residents to sign up at http://www.mwra.com/updates/everbridge/join.html. This construction project is named the Southern Extra High Pipeline - Section 111 (Dedham North), Contract 7504.
This contract (“Contract 2”) is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2019.
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at (617)305-5762 or by email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
Project Updates
April 27, 2021
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7505 - SEH (Dedham South, CP-3) Remaining Work
- Walkthrough of cut-in valves
- Finishing up final paving
- Roadway striping and traffic loops
- Tree Plantings
Sidewalk and easement restoration
Cutting in traffic loops at Harvard Street intersection
March 31, 2021
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7505 - SEH (Dedham South, CP-3) Remaining Work
- Walkthrough of cut-in valves
- Restoration of cut-in valves, East Street & a small piece of Allied Drive
- Tree Plantings
March 2, 2021
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Recently Completed- Contract 7505
- Completion of cut-in valves at Meter 188
- Re-activation of Section 77
Remaining Work:
- Walkthrough of cut-in valves
- Restoration of cut-in valves, East Street and a small piece of Allied drive
February 3, 2021
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Construction Update - Contract 7505

Installed Isolation Valves at Meter 330 on East Street and Harvard Street
Meter 330 Isolation valve on Harvard Street
Section 77 exposed on Washington Street at Meter 188
Installing 36" Butterfly Valve at Meter 188
Completing Mainline work - 36" x6" Steel tee with Gate Valves, 36" Butterfly Valve and 36" Dresser Coupling for isolation valve work in Washington Street
Coupon from Section 77 at Meter 188 Steel Pipe
Coupon from Section 77 at Meter 188 Steel Pipe
December 14, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7505
Section 111 Activated and Supplying Southern Extra High Communities
Intermediate TAP - Section 111 Connection to Section 77 Tapping Sleeve Positioned and Outer Concrete Removed
Tapping Sleeve and Inner Gland Installed
Tapping Machine Installed
Connecting 24" DI Pipe between Section 11 and Section 77 at Station 1+6 (East Street & Jefferson Street)
Restoration of East Rotary - Overlay
October 29, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7505
Allied Drive passed pressure test
Installing 30" GV on Tapping Sleeve
Tapping equipment being lowered into excavation
Restoration on Rustcraft Road (adjusting cases)
Base and Top Coat of Paving Installation on Rustcraft Road
Installing Air Vent Piping
October 29, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Planting Trees on Mount Vernon
New Trees on Dedham Boulevard
Leveling of lip on Bridge walkway
Crosswalk Imprinting Repair at Milton Street
October 2, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7505
Remaining Work:
- Pressure test of MBTA Crossing & up to Allied Drive
- Tapping Section 77 at Rotary (Steel Pipe) & Connection
- Disinfection of entire Section 111
- Tapping of Section 77 on East Street (PCCP Pipe) & Connection
- Installation of Valves at Meters 188 (Boston) & 330 (Dedham)
- Restoration
Completion of Jacking Pit and Recieving Pit at the MBTA Crossing
Lowering 1st piece of pipe and installing the auger
Installing the Casing Pipe
Steel Casing Pipe installed through the secant piles at the receiving pit
Instaling Steel Carrier Pipe
Installing and Welding Steel Carrier Pipe
Installing bends in Jacking and Receiving Pits (after grouting)
Began Restoration on Rustcraft Road
Welding of Tapping Sleeve onto Section 77
Pressure Test on Allied Drive
October 2, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Work Update:
- Resolve bridge sidewalk leveling
- Tree Planting
- Loam and seed entrance to abandoned railway (near high school)
Repairing Sidewalks on Jefferson Street
Repairing Sidewalks on Jefferson Street
Pavement Painting on Walnut Street and Milton Street
Installing Cementitious Base at Milton Street Inlaid Crosswalk
Painting and Removing taped group pattern
Crosswalk imprinting at Milton Street
Mother Brook Bridge - Planters (by Town)
Mother Brook Bridge - Rail prep for painting on opposite side
June 16, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Work Update:
- Town completed Walnut Street curbs and sidewalks
- Paving Overlay
- Paint Existing Bridge Rail
- Resolve bridge sidewalk leveling
- Tree Planting
- Loam and seed entrance to abandoned railway
Permanent Trench Paving on upper Dedham Boulevard
Milling on Dedham Boulevard
Loaming & Seeding and Swale, Dedham Boulevard
June 16, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7505
Remaining Work:
- MBTA Crossing
- Pressure test of MBTA Crossing & up to Allied Drive
- Tapping Section 77 at Rotary (Steel Pipe) & Connection
- Installation of Valves at Meters 188 (Boston) & 330 (Dedham)
- Restoration
Installing bend and thrust block at bend as pipe enters MBTA Easement at the end of Allied Drive
Installed piles for the jacking pit at the MBTA Crossing
Installed Well Points for the dewatering systems at MBTA Crossing
Auger drilling for secant piles and pouring piles at the Receiving pit at the MBTA
Auger drilling for secant piles and pouring piles at the Receiving pit at the MBTA
Loaming the Route 95 lay down at the Crossing
April 27, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7505
Installed 36" and 14" Pipe Inside 66" Casing PIpe on I-95
Pumping Grout and close up of Bulkhead at I-95 Crossing
Welding 36" Steel Pipe at Station 68+88 at the I-95 Crossing
Installed Steel to Ductile Transition Coupling at East Side of I-95 Crossing
Installed Steel Pipe at the Slopesat I-95 Crossing
Installed Steel Pipe up the slopes at I-95 Crossing
Installed 36 " Ductile pipe at the end of Allied Drive heading towards MBTA Crossing
Rail Supports at MBTA Crossing
April 27, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Work Update:
- Complete installation of curbs and sidewalks
- Town to complete Walnut Street curbs and sidewalks
- Complete handicap railings
- Paving overlay
- Paint existing bridge rail
Sidewalks and Handicap Ramp on Dedham Boulevard
New Curbing and Concrete Sidewalks on Milton Street
Closeup of bench on Mother Brook bridge and work progress
April 7, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7505
Work Progress:
- Three crews installing pipe on lower Rustcraft Road and on either side of the Route 95 crossing.
Upcoming Work:
- Install pipe across both sides of the Route 95 rotary, MBTA Crossing; pressure test on lower Rustcraft Road; and Section 77 tapping at Rotary.
The contractor broke into the receiving pit on I-95.
February 27, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Work Update:
- Walk through of project complete.
Upcoming Work:
- Start installation of curbs and sidewalk, prepare for tree planting and paving overlay in the spring.
Walk through - Entry at Air Valve
Construction Update - Contract 7505
Work Progress: 90% of pipeline installed
Upcoming Work: Pipe jacking
Jacking reached retrieval pit on Northbound side of Route 95
Preparing to install carrier pipes
Test Pit at Section 77 in Westwood at Rotary
February 11, 2020
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Work Update:
- All Southern Extra High contracts now in service.
Upcoming Work:
- Paving to resume in the Spring.
Construction Update - Contract 7505
Work Update:
Upcoming Work:
- Paving to resume in the Spring.
Construction on jacking pit
Safety walkthrough with local Fire Departments
First piece of permalok pipe ready for jacking
6-foot diameter manhole installed for upconing connection to Section 77
November 4, 2019
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Upcoming Work:
- Bridge Work
- Paving starting now and to be complete in the Spring
Pipeline Disinfection Complete
Eversource installing gas main on Dedham Blvd.
Road Restoration on Mount Vernon Street
Jefferson Street base course installed
Construction Update - Contract 7505
Pipe installation on Rustcraft Road
MassDot traffic control set up
Drain work on Rustcraft Road
Installation of 36” ductile iron pipe on Rustcraft Road
October 8, 2019
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Pipeline disinfection complete
Concrete pour at Mother Brook Bridge
Hatches at Mother Brook Bridge
Upcoming Work:
Bridge work - ongoing.
Construction Update - Contract 7505
Work Progress
Paving – start now, complete in Spring.
Installation of 36-inch ductile iron pipe on Rustcraft Road
36-inch pipe on Rustcraft Road
Vertical bends on Rustcraft Road
Drain work on Rustcraft Road
September 12, 2019
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Concrete pour at Mother Brook Bridge
Concrete at Mother Brook Bridge
Concrete at Mother Brook Bridge
Test of disinfection equipment
Construction Update - Contract 7505
Installation of 36-inch ductile iron pipe on Rustcroft Road
36-inch ductile iron pipe on Rustcraft Road
Excavation on Lower Rustcraft Road
Horizontal gate valve
Service replacements
Allied Drive installed up to rotary
August 7, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
Thrust block on East side of Mother Brook Bridge
Demolition at Mother Brook Bridge
Demolition at Mother Brook Bridge
Transition coupling installation
Work Update, contract 7505:
Installation of 36" ductile iron pipe under DI culvert and plastic drain on Rustcraft Road
Catch basin on Rustcraft Road
Installation of DWWD 12' main on Rustcraft Road
June 4, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
- Pipe installed and 100% complete
Connecting ductile to steel on west side of Mother Brook Bridge
Steel pipe at east side of Mother Brook Bridge Crossing
Prepping for deck at Mother Brook Bridge
Restoration of drainage swale at Walnut Street Bridge
Work Update, contract 7505:
- Installing pipe on Rustcraft Road
- Installing pipe on Allied Drive
Crane at East Street rotary for valve vault installation
MWRA gate valve vault at East Street rotary (end of Allied Drive near Rte 95)
Installing Pipe on Rustcraft Road
June 4, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
- Ductile pipe almost complete
- Pressure testing to be completed
Steel pipe being set at Walnut Street Bridge Crossing
Steel pipe being installed
Installing vent pipe at Walnut Street Bridge
Temporary paving on Walnut Street and Mt. Vernon
Work Update, contract 7505:
- Completed DWWD main on lower portion of Rustcraft Road
- Completed MWRA valve vault near East Street
DWWD main being installed
Began installing MWRA 36-inch pipe on Rustcraft Road
May 3, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
Steel pipe set up at Walnut Street Bridge crossing
Supporting pole at Walnut Street Bridge
Mother Brook Bridge: crane set up
Work Update, contract 7505:
Dedham Westwood Water District 12-inch pipe installation
Prepping for installation of MWRA gate valve vault
April 8, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
- Erosion control installed
- Tree protection being installed
- Starting pipe work in April
- Traffic message boards will be in place at both ends of work
Portable message signs in place at both ends of work
March 11, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
Progress of pipe installed: 99% complete
Valve vault at Walnut Street Bridge
Mother Brook - West Abutment
January 30, 2019
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Work Update, contract 7504:
Progress of pipe installed: 93% complete.
Progress Photos, contract 7504:
Piple installation on Walnut Street
Pipe installation at Jefferson Street and Mt. Vernon
Pouring the East abutment footing
Prepping the West abutment footing
Work Update, contract 7505:
- Submittal
- Consultant evaluating jack and bore method preferred by MBTA
- Revising sequencing to compensate for revised MBTA crossing
- The plan is to start pipe installation in the Spring
- Dedham now has a sewer rehab project on Rustcraft Road - coordination is ongoing.
December 1, 2018
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Construction Update for Southern Extra High Project, Dedham North (MWRA Contract 7504)
Notice: Existing bridge to be shut down for 2-3 days in February for crane setup for steel installation.
Pipe installation in Milton Street
Pipe installation on Jefferson Street
Pipe installation on Jefferson Street
Construction Update for Southern Extra High Project, Contract 7505
Work update:
- Consultant borings at MBTA Crossing completed evaluating jack and bore method preferred by MBTA.
- Dedham/Westwood main on Rustcraft will begin in the Spring.
Drilling for soil characterization
MBTA Dedham Corporate Station Crossing
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November 1, 2018
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Progress Photos - 7504
Pipe installation on Mount Vernon
Blow-off manhole on Sawmill Lane
Thrust block formed for bend in Milton Street
Gate valve installed on Jefferson Street
Work Update - 7505
- Pre-drilling starts in November
- Consultant borings started at MBTA Crossing
Progress Photos - 7505
MBTA Dedham Corporate Station Crossing
October 1, 2018
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Work Update - Contract 7504
- Project 46% complete
- Progress of pipe installed: 67% complete
Progress Photo
Installing pipe on Mount Vernon
Installing air valve manhole Mount Vernon
Progress Photos - Contract 7505
MBTA Dedham Corprate Station crossing
May 4, 2018
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Progress Photos
Installing pipe on Mt. Vernon Street
Pipe on Mount Vernon Street
Installing pipe and manholes on Mount Vernon Street
Installing pipe on Dedham Boulevard
Installing pipe on Dedham Boulevard
May 4, 2018
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Progress Photos
Pipe being installed under existing utilities on Walnut Street
Pipe and bend installed on Walnut Street
Rock removal on Dedham Parkway
May 4, 2018
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Construction Photos
24-inch REP drain installation on Dedham Boulevard
Pipe installation on Walnut Street
April 11, 2018
Construction Photos
Installation of 24-inch drain on Dedham Boulevard
Ledge removal on Dedham Boulevard
Pipe installation on Walnut Street
Air valve manhole on Walnut Street
March 6, 2018
Construction Update
Second work crew on Walnut Street started on Monday, March 5.
Upcoming work:
Installing drain on Dedham Boulevard
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24-inch RCP drain installation on Dedham Boulevard
Setting drain manholes on Dedham Boulevard
Ledge removal on Dedham Boulevard
Ledge removal on Dedham Boulevard
Pipeline laid out on Mount Vernon
February 13, 2018
Construction Update
The contractor has started the installation of the DCR 24-inch drain on Dedham boulevard. They have also been working on sewer inspection and rehabilitation, pre-drilling for ledge removal and tree trimming/removal along the pipeline route. The Contractor had planned to have a second crew working on Walnut Street in January, but this has been pushed back to late February at the earliest.
Erosion control installed
Pre-drilling for rock on Dedham Boulevard
24-inch RCP drain being installed on Dedham Blvd.
Tree removal on Dedham Blvd
TV inspection of existing sewers is ongoing
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