About this Project:
MWRA’s Northern Intermediate High (NIH) pressure zone has supplied water to the communities of Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, Wilmington, Winchester, and Woburn through a single 48-inch diameter pipeline, fed by the Gillis and Spot Pond Pumping Stations in Stoneham. MWRA recently completed the NIH Redundancy Project with the installation and activation of the new Section 110 pipeline through the communities of Stoneham, Reading and Woburn. Section 110 provides full pipeline redundancy for the water supply to the NIH communities. Activation of the new Section 110 pipeline has allowed MWRA to proceed with design and construction for the replacement of Section 89, which has previously been the single transmission line to the NIH communities. Section 89 was installed in the 1970’s and is made of material called pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP), which has been susceptible to catastrophic failure. With the new redundant water pipeline in place, MWRA will be able to proceed with the replacement of the vulnerable PCCP portions of Section 89 with the new ductile iron pipe. This $32.6 million contract was awarded to P.Gioioso & Sons, Inc. in May 2021 for a contract term of 1475 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed.
Summary Scope of New Work:
Section 89 of the Northern Intermediate High Pipeline is being replaced for added water distribution and redundancy in the Town of Winchester, Woburn, Stoneham and the Town of Wakefield.
August 21, 2024 -
- The MWRA’s contractor, P Gioioso & Sons, recently completed street paving operations along Albany Street in the City of Woburn.
- The final phase of the MWRA work in this area includes the restoration of driveway aprons, and loaming and seeding work.
- Driveway restoration will commence the week of Monday, August 26, 2024, or shortly thereafter, from 7:00AM to 4:00PM.
- On the day of paving, residents will also receive an in person request to temporary move any vehicles.
- As vehicle access to residential properties will be restricted for several hours, please consider relocating any vehicles to the street during the upcoming driveway restoration work.
- Importantly, disruptions to water service or any other utilities are not anticipated. Police details will be on site to assist motorists.
- Furthermore, the MWRA‘s contractor continues to make significant progress with the water transmission pipeline replacement project for Section 89.
- Crews are currently located at Eugene Drive in the Town of Winchester and have encountered high levels of ledge along the roadway.
- Specialized ledge cutting equipment is being utilized, because rock blasting would be too disruptive for the area.
- Unfortunately, the ledge must be removed prior to the installation of the new pipeline.
- Work on Eugene Drive is expected to be completed by the end of August 2024, or shortly thereafter, and crews will then move into the easement area off of the roadway towards the Town of Stoneham as the project advances further along.
- Once work moves into the easement area, the detour on Eugene Drive will not be in place; however, trucks and construction equipment may be present to access the work site area.
- Furthermore, roadway repair work, which includes the paving of Eugene Drive from Forest Street to the MWRA easement area, the paving of Forest Street from the Route 93 overpass to the Forest Street easement area, and additional sidewalk repair work, is expect to occur in fall 2024.
- A minimum 90 day period is necessary before paving can begin in order to allow compacted earth to settle and ensure a better finished project.
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July 26, 2024 -
- The MWRA‘s contractor, P Gioiosos & Sons, will be mobilizing crews to Washington Street and surrounding streets to complete roadway milling.
- Roadway milling is expected to commence on Monday, July 29, 2024, from 7:00PM to 5:00AM.
- Additionally, pavement restoration for the roadway, which is the final phase of the MWRA work, is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 11, 2024, or shortly thereafter, weather and other unexpected circumstances pending.
- Vehicle access to residential properties will be restricted for several hours in order to complete the work.
- Please consider parking any vehicles on side streets during the upcoming installation of the new roadway surface.
- Importantly, disruptions to water service or any other utilities are not anticipated. Police details will be on site to assist motorists.
- Paving of roads can cause major inconvenience for a short period of time; please inform the MWRA if there any extenuating circumstance such as handicap access.
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July 2, 2024 -
- Due to high amounts of subsurface ledge under the roadway, the MWRA’s contractor, P. Gioioso, will need to implement a temporary closure of Eugene Drive in the Town of Winchester starting on Monday, July 8, 2024, for approximately three to four days.
- This will enable the contractor to utilize specialized ledge cutting equipment and accelerate the work.
- Importantly, all residents will continue to have access to their properties, with the majority traveling along Bellevue Avenue.
- Although the road will be closed, the work hours will be Monday through Friday between 7:00AM and 5:00PM.
- No work will occur at night, and emergency services such as Winchester Police and Fire are aware of the temporary closure.
- All traffic patterns will be clearly marked, and police details will be on site to assist during work hours.
- Furthermore, once the ledge has been removed, the detour will remain in place only during work hours.
- During non-work hours (nights and weekends), trenches will be covered by steel plates or backfilled and paved, the detour will not be in place, and the roadway will be open to normal traffic.
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June 14, 2024 -
- The MWRA’s contractor, P Gioioso and Sons, will be mobilizing crews to Albany Street in the City of Woburn to begin preparation ahead of roadway reconstruction work.
- This paving restoration of Albany Street is the final phase of the major work.
- Work is expected to begin Monday, June 17, 2024, or shortly thereafter.
- While Albany Street will remain open to vehicular traffic, please expect delays, which is due to the grading of the road, raising existing structures, and placing the base layer and subsequent final layer of asphalt.
- No disruption of homeowners‘ water service or any other utilities are ancipated.
- Police details will be on site to assist if necessary and access will remain open at all times, but please anticipate delays.
- Please reach out to the Authority if your household has any extenuating circumstances, such as access for those with a disability.
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April 29, 2024 -
- Starting on Monday, May 6, 2024, or shortly thereafter, the MWRA and its contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons, will commence the next phase of work starting on Forest Street and then Eugene Drive in the Town of Winchester.
- This work will involve removing the existing water main and installing a new buried 48-inch pipeline underneath the roadway.
- Work along Forest Street will require a single lane closure, and traffic from both directions will alternate while construction activities are taking place, which are Monday through Friday from approximately 7:00AM to 5:00PM.
- Additionally, the work on Forest Street is expected to be completed in approximately six weeks before moving on to Eugene Drive.
- During construction, all residents will maintain water, sewerage, and other utilities. Furthermore, emergency services will not be disrupted.
- When work moves along to Eugene Drive, a detour will be in place during construction work hours.
- The majority of residents, visitors, vendors, and others will access properties from Bellevue Avenue.
- All traffic patterns will be clearly marked, and police details will be on site to assist.
- Additionally, during non-work hours (nights and weekends), trenches will be covered by steel plates or backfilled and paved, the detour will not be in place, and the roadway will be open to normal traffic.
- Important to note, the MWRA is working closely with municipal officials, including the DPW and the police department, regarding this project and the associated traffic management plan.
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April 2, 2024
Project Overview:
- Crew has commenced work on Fallon Road in Stoneham
- Wetland Restoration, tree planting and paving on Montvale Avenue and Washington Street in Woburn will be completed in Spring 2024
Fallon Road Stoneham – Bear Hill Tank
To maintain Flow to Bear Hill Tank during construction, it was necessary to install 760 linear feet of 18-inch, 24-inch and 30-inch ductile iron & high density polyethylene piping with isolation valves to maintain flow to Bear Hill Tank and flow to the surrounding communities.
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Bypass piping along Fallon Road in Stoneham, connecting to the 16-inch Stoneham line
End of Fallon Road, two 18-inch lines
Line Stop being installed
March 21, 2024 -
MWRA Construction May Cause Possible Reduced Water Pressure, Discolored Water in Stoneham/Wakefield/ Reading/Winchester/Woburn
- Beginning Monday, March 25, 2024, MWRA has arranged with the Towns of Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, Wilmington, and Winchester, and the City of Woburn to schedule a temporary shutdown and bypassing of a critical water supply line near Fallon Road in Stoneham.
- This shutdown is necessary to replace the aging pipe infrastructure, and prevent the risk of an uncontrolled break and loss of service.
- This work will ensure a more reliable water system is in place for residents and businesses to benefit from.
- The work on Monday is expected to take upwards of 4 to 5 days to complete, working continuously for 24 hours each day; during this time water users may expect lower pressure in Reading, Stoneham, Wakefield, Woburn, and the area of Bellevue Avenue/Eugene Drive in Winchester.
- Normal water pressure is expected to be restored by Friday, March 29, 2024.
- Discolored water may also be possible for 1 to 2 days following the redirection of water flow for this work. If discolored water does occur, it will be from a small amount of iron in local pipes.
- Please note that iron will stain light colored items in your laundry, especially when bleach is used. Residents should check water clarity before washing any white or lighter colored laundry during this period of work. Residents may want to wait for the water to clear before using it.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact MWRA Community Relations Liaison, Troy Wall at (617) 305-5762 or Troy.Wall@mwra.com.
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February 13, 2024
Project Overview:
- Project is 60% complete
- Washington Street & Montvale Avenue permit for work to be done at night
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Setting GV Structure at Utica night work
Fallon Road Stoneham – Bear Hill Tank
760 linear feet of 18’, 24’ and 30” of Ductile Iron & High density polyethylene piping with isolation valves to maintain flow to Bear Hill Tank
Deliveries to Fallon Road
December 4, 2023 -Construction Update
- The MWRA’s contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons of Hyde Park, MA, is currently working at night (7:00PM to 5:00AM) along Montvale Avenue and Washington Street in the City of Woburn.
- Currently, night work is in the final stages and is expected to be completed before the Chirstmas holiday.
- Once this work has been completed, the contractor will demobilize all the equipment and materials currently located on Albany Street, and the MWRA will activate the new pipeline.
- Final overlay paving of Albany Street, Montvale Avenue, and Washington Street is scheduled for a later date in 2024.
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December 4, 2023
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- Contractor continues to install new 36-inch water main on Washington Street during night. Expected completion of this work is this December after which they will demobilize.
- Following installation MWRA will pressure test, chlorinate, and activate new pipeline.
- Contractor will mobilize to Fallon Road Stoneham in January 2024
Montvale Avenue night work (light towers located at different locations for visibility)
Montvale Avenue night work (light towers located at different locations for visibility)
Washington Street night work

Washington Street night work
October 10, 2023
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Washington Street-local water and sewer
Washington Street-local water and sewer
Washington Street-local water and sewer
Washington Street-local water and sewer
Albany Street & Montvale Avenue at Night-installation of 36-inch ductile iron pipe
August 3, 2023
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- The MWRA and its contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons of Hyde Park, MA, will be working along Washington Street between Montvale Avenue and Utica Street and along Montvale Avenue between Albany Street and Washington Street at night from 7:00PM to 5:00AM. Work will be conducted Monday through Thursday (into Friday morning) starting on Monday, August 14, 2023.
- This first phase involves replacement of the City water lines and sewers on Washington Street to create a corridor for the new 48-inch MWRA water pipeline.
- Once the City water and sewers are relocated, the second phase will move to Montvale Ave to begin removing the existing MWRA water pipeline and installing a new 48 inch water pipeline under the roadway.
- Work is expected to last approximately two to three months.
- In order to safely conduct the work, this section of Washinton Street will have limited access to through traffic; and two vehicular lanes will be closed to traffic along Montvale Avenue (one lane in each direction will be open).
- Importantly, access to businesses or residences will remain available during overnight construction hours.
- Furthermore, traffic patterns will be clearly marked, and police details will be on site to assist with the flow of traffic.
- During non-work hours, Washington Street and Montvale Avenue will not have any traffic restrictions.

The new 48-inch ductile iron water main recently installed along albany Street in the City of Woburn, which is part of this project.
July 11, 2023
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- Contractor installed 1450 linear feet of 48-inch pipe
- Eversource completed work
- Starting mid-July Montvale Avenue at night
- Woburn permit states Washington Street work hours are nights
June 13, 2023
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Easement – replace existing 48-inch Pre-stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) with new 48-inch Ductile Iron Pipe
Easement - Winchester to Woburn
March 29, 2023
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Crew No 1 – Installation of 24 inch pipe to Meter 234 complete (Disinfection, Sampling and Activation)
Crew 2 at Aberjona River - Access pits on both sides and install of new 36 inch pipe inside existing 48 inch pipe
Completed Section 29 Stoneham - abandonment disconnecting all existing valves at zoo and Stoneham and filling pipeline with flow fill
Easement – Replace existing 48 inch PCCP with ductile
March 2, 2023
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Installation of new valve vault structure on Forest Street
Steel Sheeting for sliplining pits
Access pits on both sides-installation of new 36-inch pipe inside existing 48-inch pipe
Crew No 3-Section 29 of Abandonment consists of disconnecting all existing valves at Zoo and Stoneham and filing pipeline with flowfill
February 2, 2023
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Installation of new MWRA gate valve and Gillis Pump Station interconnection
Forest Street Bypass in Winchester
December 28, 2022
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Installation of new MWRA gate valve and Gillis Pump Station interconnection
Blow off Washington Street
Washington Street Gate Valve
November 7, 2022
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Installation of new MWRA supplied valve at straw point park
New supply line to the Stone Zoo
DCR pool area-replacing Section 29 20-inch cast iron pipe with new ductile iron
August 9, 2022
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Installation of large concrete valve structure on Fellsway
Installing new 48" ductile iron pipe
Forest Street in Winchester- completed installation of local 12” water main and new services
June 29, 2022
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Installation of 160 lf of 36’ DI pipe at Gillis Pump Station
Connection to Section 110
Forest Street in Winchester-installation of local 12” water main as well as installation of Meter 234 bypass water line
Test pits on Fallon Road to confirm material of pipe to Bear Hill tank.
April 28, 2022
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Work Update:
- Preconstruction surveys & photos
- Meetings with DCR and MassDOT
- Tree removal
- Test pits to confirm OD of PCCP pipe
- Installation of 24" pipe on South Street
Traffic message boards for upcoming work on Forest Street in Winchester
Section 89A: 36” PCCP - Fallon Road
March 31, 2022
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Section 89A: 36” T & S South Street
Section 89A: 36” PCCP - Fallon Road
February 3, 2022
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Work Update:
- Submittals
- Permits
- Preconstruction surveys
- Meetings with DCR and MassDOT
- Tree protection/removal
Outside picture test pits, tree protection and signs
Test pits on Route 93 & Fallon Road
January 19, 2022
We will post project updates in this section.
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For more information, please contact MWRA Public Affairs.
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