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MWRA’s 48-inch diameter Section 4 water main crosses over the Fitchburg Commuter Rail Line adjacent to the Mass DOT Webster Avenue vehicle bridge in Somerville. Section 4 supplies MWRA’s Northern Low Service area, which includes Somerville, Malden, Medford, Everett, Chelsea, and Charlestown.
This pipeline was originally installed in 1898 as a grade crossing, but was elevated as a bridge crossing in 1911. The City of Somerville’s 20-inch water main was also installed on the common bridge structure at that time. The utility bridge was replaced in 2015.
This contract involves replacement of MWRA’s 48-inch pipe, the City of Somerville’s 20-inch pipe.
Update 09/30/16
Water Main Activation May Cause Discolored Water in Seven Communties
On Tuesday, October 4, 2016, MWRA will activatee the newly installed, 48-inch diameter, water main located on the Webster Avenue Bridge, MWRA Section 4. The pipeline will be reactivated after being isolated for several years. The reactivation will strengthen the Northern Low Service Area (NLS) supply and provides better redundancy. This may cause discolored water in the NLS which affects the following communities: Somerville, Malden, Medford, Everett, Chelsea, and Boston (Charlestown and East Boston.) Please click on the small maps above to view larger images of affected areas.
If you have any questions, please contact our operations control center at (617) 617-305-5950 or Jeff McLaughlin at 617-305-5762.
Update 08/04/16
Webster Avenue Road closure to begin on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 5:30AM and will remain closed for three weeks. The road will reopen on August 27, 2016
Please be aware the MWRA and our contractor NEL will shut down Webster Avenue beginning at 5:30AM on Saturday, August 6, 2016 for the installation of 48- and 20- inch water pipelines. Webster Avenue will be reopened on August 27, 2016. Associated project work will continue into September/October.
Police details will be present 24 hours per day. Local abutter access will be available off of Washington Street.
The MWRA and our service communities operate a complex water distribution network consisting of hundreds of miles of pipes and hundreds of valves. these valves and pipelines connect community water lines to MWRA’s network of larger pipes. MWRA apologizes for any inconvenience that this important water operation may present.
If you have any questions, please contact our operations control center at (617) 617-305-5950 or Jeff McLaughlin at 617-305-5762.
Update 07/27/16
No Webster Avenue Closure For Pipeline Work on Saturday July 30.
There will be no closure of Webster Avenue for pipeline work on Saturday, July 30 due to a delay in the delivery of the 48” coated pipe that was scheduled to be installed. The removal and installation of the 48” pipe crossing the utility bridge is now scheduled for Saturday August 6.
A revised schedule is posted below.
Pipeline Work Will Require Road Closures and Detours - Revised
MWRA pipeline work will require lane restrictions, detours and road closures in Somerville beginning Thursday, July 21, 2016. MWRA has coordinated with the City of Somerville and the MBTA.
Date |
Construction Activity |
Traffic Impacts |
07/25/16-07/15/16 |
Test pits performed |
-- |
07/18/16-07/19/16 |
Contractor will be forming a thrust collar on site that will be installed on the 20” Somerville main located on Newton Street later in the week. |
This work will be done on the side of the road, no road closures required. |
07/20/16 |
Bridge inspections will be conducted. Various inspectors will be accessing the bridge to inspect the pipe joints. |
No road closures required. |
07/21/16-07/22/16 |
Contractor will be installing the thrust collar on the north side of the utility bridge on Newton St. |
The east side of Newton Street will be closed to traffic. |
07/25/16-07/29/16 |
The Contractor will be working on removing the vertical bends on the north and south ends of the utility bridge. |
The east side of Newton Street will be closed to traffic and there will be a lane restriction on Webster Ave in the vicinity of the bridge. |
08/01/16-08/05/16 |
The Contractor will be forming an additional thrust collar that will be installed on the 20" Somerville main. |
The east side of Newton Street will be closed to traffic and there will be a lane restriction on Webster Ave in the vicinity of the bridge. |
08/06/16-08/26/16 |
The Contractor is scheduled to remove and install the 48” pipe crossing the utility bridge, the 20” pipe crossing the bridge will also be installed at this time. As shown on the attached drawing, the 48” pipe crosses Webster Ave and continues for approximately 140 ft on both the north and south ends of the utility bridge. |
This work requires the use of a crane. A full closure of Webster Ave is required, and a detour will be in place during this period, except for August 13, when it will be open for the Art Festival.
MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
September 2016 |
Both the newly installed 20” and 48” pipe will be pressure tested. Final connections to the existing 48” main will be completed and flushing and disinfection will follow. |
This work does not require a road closure, lane restrictions only. |
Update 07/19/16:
Pipeline Work Will Require Road Closures and Detours
MWRA pipeline work will require lane restrictions, detours and road closures in Somerville beginning Thursday, July 21, 2016. MWRA has coordinated with the City of Somerville and the MBTA.
Date |
Construction Activity |
Traffic Impacts |
07/25/16-07/15/16 |
Test pits performed |
-- |
07/18/16-07/19/16 |
Contractor will be forming a thrust collar on site that will be installed on the 20” Somerville main located on Newton Street later in the week. |
This work will be done on the side of the road, no road closures required. |
07/20/16 |
Bridge inspections will be conducted. Various inspectors will be accessing the bridge to inspect the pipe joints. |
No road closures required. |
07/21/16-07/22/16 |
Contractor will be installing the thrust collar on the north side of the utility bridge on Newton St. |
The east side of Newton Street will be closed to traffic. |
07/25/16-07/29/16 |
The Contractor will be working on removing the vertical bends on the north and south ends of the utility bridge. |
The east side of Newton Street will be closed to traffic and there will be a lane restriction on Webster Ave in the vicinity of the bridge. |
07/30/16 |
The Contractor is scheduled to remove and install the 48” pipe crossing the utility bridge, the 20” pipe crossing the bridge will also be installed at this time. |
This work requires the use of a crane. A full closure of Webster Ave is required, and a detour will be in place.
MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
08/01/16-08/05/16 |
The Contractor will spend the week installing the vertical bends on the north and south ends of the utility bridge. |
The east side of Newton Street will be closed to traffic and there will be a lane restriction on Webster Ave in the vicinity of the bridge. |
08/06/16-08/26/16 |
The Contractor is scheduled to remove and install the remainder of the 48” pipe. As shown on the attached drawing, the 48” pipe crosses Webster Ave and continues for approximately 140 ft on both the north and south ends of the utility bridge. |
A full closure of Webster Ave is required, and a detour will be in place during this period, except for August 13, when it will be open for the Art Festival.
MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
September 2016 |
Both the newly installed 20” and 48” pipe will be pressure tested. Final connections to the existing 48” main will be completed and flushing and disinfection will follow. |
This work does not require a road closure, lane restrictions only. |
Additional information about planned detours on July 30 and August 6-26:

Road Closure Hours: The road closures will be 24 hours/day.
Work Hours: Contractor work hours will be 7am - 7pm, Monday through Saturday.
MBTA Detours: MBTA buses will follow the detour plan. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts.
Police Details: Four police details during peak hours.
Traffic plan: Traffic to be detoured west along Washington Street to Beacon street; then left onto Beacon Street, then left (east) onto Cambridge Street, then left (north) onto Propect Street.
Pedestrian access: During this time, public travel along Webster Avenue will be restricted, pedestrian traffic will be maintained along the west sidewalk.
Emergency and Abutter Access: A police detail will be present at Webster Avenue and Washington Street to allow entry/exit of abutters. This area is only accessible to local traffic.
MBTA Bus Stops: There are 3 bus routes that will be impacted by this closure, MWRA and MBTA are coordinating public outreach program. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts.
Update 08/24/15:
Webster Avenue Will Be Closed 5:00 AM-3:00 PM on August 15
Webster Avenue Bridge Successfully Installed.
Update 08/14/15:
Webster Avenue Will Be Closed 5:00 AM-3:00 PM on August 15
Webster Avenue will be closed on August 15 from 5:00 AM until 3:00 PM to install pipe supports.
Update 07/22/15:
Webster Avenue Reopened
Webster Avenue in Somerville has been reopened for traffic.
Update 07/08/15:
Pipeline Work Will Require Road Closures and Detours
MWRA pipeline work will require road closures on Webster Avenue in Somerville beginning Saturday, July 11. MWRA has coordinated with the City of Somerville and the MBTA.
General traffic impacts: General traffic will be detoured west along Washington St. onto Beacon St., left (southeast) onto Beacon Street; left (east onto Cambridge St.; then left (north) onto Propsect St. The detour routes will be well marked. Webster Ave. Bridge Detour Route Map (PDF)
MBTA impacts: MBTA bus routes will be affected.Visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts.
Abutter access: A police detail will be present to allow access for abutters and emergency vehicles. Webster Ave. abutters will have access via Washington Street. Newton Street abutters will have access via Prospect St.

Webster Avenue Bridge Detour Route Map (PDF)
An overview of the work to be performed and expected traffic impacts is outlined in the table below. Please note that this schedule is subject to change. We will inform you of any necessary changes on this Project Update page.
Date |
Construction Activity |
Traffic Impacts |
4am - 10pm
(approximately) |
Removal of existing utility bridge |
The crane will be positioned on the South side of the bridge taking up the full width of the road. Webster Ave. will be closed to general traffic. MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
07/12/15 |
-- |
Webster Ave. will be open. |
through 07/15/15 |
Installation of 48-inch pipe on North side of the bridge along the right side of Webster Ave. |
Webster Ave. will be closed to general traffic. MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
through 07/23/15 |
Installation of 48-inch main crossing Webster Ave. from the right to left side |
During this phase Webster Ave will be closed to all general and bus traffic. |
through 08/01/15 |
Installation of 48-inch main on South side of the bridge |
Webster Ave. will be closed to general traffic. MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
08/16/15 |
Installation of new utility bridge |
The crane will be positioned on the South side of the bridge taking up the full width of the road. Webster Ave. will be closed to general traffic. MBTA bus routes will be affected. Please visit the MBTA web site ( for the latest details on detours and service alerts. |
Update 07/01/15:
In preparation for the demolition of the bridge, the contractor will be working Tuesday, July 7th through Thursday, July 9th at night during the hours of 9:00pm and 5:00am, as the work must be performed when there are no trains running. Bridge demolition is scheduled to begin on Saturday, July 11th at 4:00am and should be complete by 10:00pm.