This page is an archive of project updates for the MWRA Norther Intermediate High, Stoneham-Reading Connection Project. Go to Project Main Page

Paving crew 12/23/11 |
Update April 2, 2012 -- The contractor has returned to complete site restoration. Paving will occur during nighttime hours, while sidewalk work takes place during the day.
December 23, 2011
- MWRA’s contractor has finished installing all the 36-inch water line and heavy construction activities have now been completed. The streets will be swept and the area secured.
- Through January, the contractor will be inspecting, filling, testing, and disinfecting the new line. These activities requiring both day and nighttime work, but generate significantly less noise.
- In the spring, the contractor will return to construct new pedestrian ramps and sidewalks along the Stonehill Towers side of Route 28 during daytime hours. Final paving (curb to curb) along the southbound side of Route 28 from North Street in Stoneham up to South Street in Reading will be done at night.
MWRA thanks residents for their patience and understanding during this project.
December 2, 2011
December 2, 2011
- Please be advised that night work will take place on three Fridays (December 2, 9 and 16) this month as weather allows, starting December 2 at 9:00 PM.
- Progress: 1,185 of the proect's 2,325 feet of pipeline have been installed to date.
- At this time we anticipate work to be complete on December 22.
- The project schedule has changed. Revised Schedule: Updated December 2, 2011 (PDF)
November 2, 2011
- Please be advised that blasting is now scheduled to begin November 6-7. With two crews there will be multiple blasts per night.
- The project schedule has changed. Revised Schedule: Updated November 2, 2011 (PDF)
October 201, 2011
- Please be informed that construction activities, including controlled blasting, will require nighttime (9PM – 5AM) vehicular traffic to be detoured. Detours are necessary for safety while MWRA contractors install a new 36-inch water main along the southbound side of Rt. 28 from South Street in Reading to North Street in Stoneham. Direct abutters and emergency vehicles will always be allowed access during construction. Details, detour routes and map (PDF)
October 15, 2011
- The project schedule has changed since the last public meeting. New schedule (PDF)
- Albanese D+S will be working again starting at 9:00PM on Sunday, October 16.
September 29, 2011
Presentation: About the Stoneham-Reading Connection Project (PDF)
Presented at the 09/28/11 Public Meeting
September 28, 2011
Construction will begin Sunday October 2. Work will take place 9 PM-5 AM Sundays through Friday and 10 AM - 3 PM Mondays through Fridays.
The project is expected to be substantially complete (new water pipeline installed and controlled blasting complete) by the first week of December. Final paving of this section of Rte. 28 will occur in the Spring.
Should the controlled blasting (map) dates or the construction schedule change, MWRA will post this information in advance on
September 19, 2011
Public Meeting in Reading on 09/26/11
Public Meeting in Stoneham on 09/28/11