Mercury in Dental FacilitiesEXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis report presents the results of a study by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), which characterizes discharges to the sewer from dental facilities. MWRA undertook this study primarily because of concerns about mercury in the effluent from its sewage treatment plants and in its residuals. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) enforce strict regulatory limits for mercury. MWRA's effluent and the fertilizer pellets produced from MWRA's residuals meet EPA and DEP limits; however, MWRA is studying sources of mercury in its system and potential control measures to ensure future compliance, and, if possible, to further reduce its mercury load. This report presents the results of analyses of samples of wastewater from fifteen dental facilities, including three large dental schools, two hospital clinics, one medium-sized clinic, and six small general practice dental offices. Part 1 discusses the regulatory background for MWRA's mercury control program, information on dental use of mercury, and studies of dental discharges in other sewage treatment systems. Part 2 and the Appendices discuss the results of MWRA's analyses. This report demonstrates that dental discharges are a significant source of mercury. Most of the samples exceeded MWRA's discharge standard of 1 part per billion (ppb), which were ranging as high as 41,400 ppb. MWRA estimates that dentists are contributing at least 10% of MWRA's mercury. This study is part of a broader effort by MWRA to reduce its mercury
load. MWRA has been working cooperatively with a number of permitted facilities,
particularly hospitals, who formed the Mercury Products Workgroup in June
1994. This Workgroup has developed extensive information on mercury-containing
products, product substitution, infrastructure measures to remove mercury
from pipes, traps and sinks, and mercury pretreatment systems. The Workgroup
will be reporting on the results of its efforts in the course of 1997. MWRA's sampling also indicated that the bulk of mercury (80-90%) discharged
from dental offices is discharged as particles, while the remaining 10-20%
is discharged as dissolved mercury. MWRA's study also showed that dental
wastewater contains other regulated heavy metals in high concentrations,
including copper, silver, zinc and lead. Suction lines, with average concentrations of 4,781 ppb for those with
air-cooled pumps, and 826 ppb for water-cooled pumps, had the highest
mercury levels of any sources within dentists' offices, suggesting that
segregation and removal of the mercury in these wastewater would be a
significant step toward reducing the loading of mercury and other metals
to the sewer. Operatory and laboratory sinks, and X-ray developers were
smaller sources. The single ultrasonic cleaner that MWRA sampled had an
average mercury level of 169 ppb, and an average zinc level in excess
of MWRA's limit, suggesting that instrument cleaning and cleaning devices
should be investigated further as potentially significant sources of mercury
and other metals. Note: For
a full copy of this report, contact Charlie Bering at 788-2309. A copy
is also located in the MWRA Library.