Distribution Pipeline Improvements
MWRA's water system is made up of over 300 miles of pipeline. The structural integrity of our water pipes and aqueducts is critical. Well-maintained pipes give MWRA customers the full benefits of our high-quality water and reliable service.
REHABILITATION AND REPLACEMENT Certain older water pipes, especially those made of unlined cast-iron or concrete, need to be replaced or cleaned and lined to prevent bacteria growth and rust build-up. Our Distribution Pipeline Improvement program is structured to replace on average between six and seven miles of pipe per year. These projects are closely coordinated with local town officials and road improvement projects.
LOCAL PIPELINE AND WATER SYSTEM ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Interest-free loan funds are distributed quarterly and communities are required to repay the principal amount of each year's loan over a ten-year period beginning one year after project funding.
Updated December 28, 2012 |