Maps of MWRA Available Aqueduct Access Areas
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Click on a community for a map of available access areas in that area. |
The maps depict available aqueduct access areas in development. MWRA and aqueduct host communities will work to establish the types of uses allowed and the allocation of costs in advance of opening the lands. MWRA will post new information on the MWRA Aqueduct Trails Project Update Page to keep people informed when sections of each aqueduct are open. |
Go to:
Application for 8(m) Permit: Public Access to Aqueduct Trails (PDF)
MWRA Aqueduct Trails Project Update Page
FAQs: What you need to know as MWRA and host communities plan the new trails
Guidelines for Public Access to Commonwealth Lands under
the Care and Control of MWRA 04/11/12 (PDF)
EEA Press Release (PDF)
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September 16, 2013