About this Project:
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MWRA’s Southern Extra High (SEH) service area provides drinking water to Canton, Dedham, Norwood, Stoughton, Westwood, portions of Brookline and Milton, and the Roslindale and West Roxbury sections of Boston. Five communities in the southern portion of the service area (Canton, Norwood, Dedham, Westwood, and Stoughton) use approximately 5 million gallons of water per day on an average and are served by a single water transmission main (Section 77). The project schematic (PDF) is below.

Work in Boston (West Roxbury)
This project will provide redundancy to Section 77 and is separated into three separate construction contracts. This contract, Contract 6454, will install approximately 11,000 linear feet of 36 inch diameter water main within DCR’s Stony Brook Reservation in Boston from West Roxbury Parkway, across Washington Street, along Enneking Parkway and end at the City line with Dedham on Dedham Parkway. The contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons is scheduled to begin work in September 2016 and be complete in the fall of 2018.
Work in Dedham
The two additional contracts are within the Town of Dedham. Contract 7504 will continue on Dedham Boulevard toward and through East Dedham Square, cross Milton Street onto Walnut, Mt. Vernon, and Jefferson Streets, ending just before East Street. This contract is scheduled to be awarded in the spring or summer 2017.
Contract 7505 continues on Jefferson Street crossing East Street onto Rustcraft Road and then crosses under the commuter rail at Dedham Corporate Station in the direction of the East Street rotary and will travel under route 128 into Westwood. This contract is expected to be awarded by fall 2017.
All roads where the new pipe is installed will be completely paved at the end of each contract from curb to curb. Any sidewalks where the pipe is installed will also be reconstructed as new within the limits of the earthwork at the end of each contract. Both contracts two and three are scheduled to be complete by the end of 2019.
MWRA has recently developed a new notification system for communicating information to residents regarding construction projects, community meetings and more. We encourage all residents to sign up at http://www.mwra.com/updates/everbridge/join.html .
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
September 12, 2019
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Construction Update - Contract 7504
Concrete pour at Mother Brook Bridge
Concrete at Mother Brook Bridge
Concrete at Mother Brook Bridge
Test of disinfection equipment
Construction Update - Contract 7505
Installation of 36-inch ductile iron pipe on Rustcroft Road
36-inch ductile iron pipe on Rustcraft Road
Excavation on Lower Rustcraft Road
Horizontal gate valve
Service replacements
Allied Drive installed up to rotary
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Notification
Traffic Advisory for Enneking Parkway
June 6, 7 and 8, 2018
Please be advised Enneking Parkway will be closed beginning on Wednesday June 6, 2018. The Parkway will be closed Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The closure will be from the four way stop sign at Dedham Blvd and Enneking Parkway up to Washington Street. Milling and curb to curb paving will be taking place.
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
Sign up for electronic project notifications and updates through our Everbridge service.
May 4, 2018
Construction Update
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Upcoming work:
- Pipeline disinfection results
- Full width overlay in June
- Site restoration
- Site walkthrough with Operations Department
March 6, 2018
Construction Update
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Upcoming work:
- Disinfection
- Full width overlay in Spring, 2018.
February 13, 2018
Construction Update
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All of the pipe has been installed and pressure tested. The contractor will be onsite working in the new manholes throughout February in an effort to compete the pipeline disinfection this winter. They will also return in the Spring to compete a full width pavement overlay.
Final piece of 36-inch pipe installed
Structural linear installation on BWSC main complete
Installed connection at Georgetown
Trench pavement for entire length completed
Passed the pressure test for entire alignment
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
October 18, 2017
MWRA to Hold Public Meeting in Dedham
On Monday October 30, 2017 the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority will sponsor a public meeting to discuss plans to install a new water pipeline in Dedham. The meeting will be held at 7:00PM at Dedham Middle School, 70 Whiting Avenue, Dedham.
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
Sign up for electronic project notifications and updates through our Everbridge service.
October 13, 2017
Construction Update
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Enneking Parkway (from Lagrange to Dedham Parkway) and Dedham Parkway (from Enneking to Alwin) will be closed to all traffic for the hours of 7:00AM-4:30PM
Upcoming Work
The Contractor will have a crew working on Enneking parkway and a crew working on Dedham Parkway for the first half of October. They should finish on Enneking, but will probably be on Dedham for the month so they can complete the BWSC rehabilitation. They will also commence pressure testing and disinfection.
Construction Photos
Connection to BWSC temporary bypass
Pipe installation at 36+20
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
August 8, 2017
Construction Update
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Construction Photos
Installing pipe on Enneking Parkway
Air valve manhold 953+84 on Enneking Parkway
Installing valve vault for 36’ gate valve at 53+62
Re-Striping on Washington Street
Blasting charges set on Enneking Parkway
Hoe ramming on Enneking Parkway
July 11, 2017
Construction Update
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Work accomplished to Date:
- Approximately 4,560 linear feet of the 11,000 linear feet in the contract have been installed to date.
- West Roxbury Parkway and Washington Street will be open to all traffic (except for the shutdown needed for final paving).
- Enneking Parkway (from Lagrange to Dedham Parkway) will be closed to all traffic for the hours of 7:00AM-4:30PM for the remainder of the summer.
Upcoming Work:
The Contractor will have two crews working on Enneking Parkway throughout July.
Pipe installed on Washington Street
Air valve manhole installation on West Roxbury Parkway
22 ½ degree bends on West Roxbury Parkway at Washington St.
Ledge Removal on Enneking
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
Update July 5, 2017
Please be advised the contractor P. Gioioso has been allowed to begin closing down Enneking Parkway beginning at 7:00AM and ending at approximately 4:30PM. This will be effective July 5, 2017 through the end of the Summer.
Sign up for electronic project notifications and updates through our Everbridge service.
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
June 12, 2017
Construction Update: Boston
Installing 36” Ductile Iron Pipe – Section 111, Boston
Work accomplished to date:
Approximately 3,302 linear feet of the 11,000 linear feet in the contract have been installed to date. The tie in to the three existing MWRA mains on West Roxbury Parkway is complete.
West Roxbury Parkway (from Washington Street to Bellevue Hill) will be closed to all traffic from 8:30AM-4:30PM. It was also decided for safety reason to close Enneking Parkway (from Lagrange to Dedham Parkway) to all traffic for the hours of 8:30AM-4:30PM rather than keeping it open to northbound traffic.
Upcoming Work:
The contractor’s crew working on West Roxbury Parkway will begin working on the crossing of Washington Street. The second crew will continue to install pipe on Enneking Parkway.
Sign up for electronic project notifications and updates through our Everbridge service.
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
Left: Pipe installed on Enneking. Right: Blasting mat on Enneking.
Installing 36” Ductile Iron Pipe – Section 111, Boston
Tapping of existing 36” MWRA Section 77 for the tie in to new Section 111
Update 05/04/17:
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority and our contractor P. Gioioso and Sons currently have two crews working on the Southern Extra High Project.
Work continues on the West Roxbury Parkway. Valve chambers, valves, interconnections, and piping are currently being installed within this area. This work is time consuming and complex and will continue through the month of May. Once this work is complete the contractor will continue with the installation of the 36” pipe in a southerly direction heading up towards Washington Street. Gioioso plans on crossing Washington Street around late June and will continue this phase through the end of July.
The second crew is currently working on Enneking Parkway, just beyond the four way stop signs at Dedham Boulevard. This crew is installing the 36” waterline in a northerly direction towards Washington Street. This work will continue on Enneking Parkway through the Fall/Winter of 2017.
During the month of July and August, Gioioso will move back onto Dedham Parkway to continue where they left off in the winter with the installation of the 36” waterline. This work will follow an easterly direction towards Enneking Parkway.
Traffic Impacts
Traffic will be allowed inbound on Enneking Parkway during work hours. All lanes will be re-opened at the end of each work day at approximately 4PM.
Traffic on West Roxbury Parkway will not be allowed 7AM-4PM on work days. All lanes will be re-opened at the end of each work day at approximately 4PM.
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com. Sign up for project alerts and updates on Everbridge.
Update 02/16/17:
Work in West Roxbury Continues, Schedule Impacted by Weather
The MWRA and our contractor, P. Gioioso and Sons, are currently working on the West Roxbury Parkway in West Roxbury. The work within this area involves a number of interconnections, installation of piping, vaults, and valves associated with the redundancy project. The work is is expected to take approximately four to six weeks.
Once the placement of vaults is complete, valves will be installed and the contractor will then proceed towards Washington Street with the installation of the 36-inch water pipe.
Weather has impacted the schedule recently. Once the weather improves, the contractor plans on utilizing two work crews to expedite the installation of the 36-inch pipe on both Enneking and Dedham Parkways.
The MWRA and our contractor appreciate your patience and cooperation during this important improvement project.
Update 01/20/17
Work on West Roxbury Parkway to begin Monday, January 23, 2017
As mentioned in the January 11, 2017 update, the MWRA and our contractor P. Gioioso and sons, will begin working on the West Roxbury Parkway in the area of the MWRA's Bellevue Hill water tanks. The work will begin on Monday, January 23, 2017. Updates on progress and traffic plans will be provided periodically.
Update 01/11/17
Public Meeting on Upcoming MWRA Project in Dedham
On Wednesday January 25, 2017 the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority will hold a public meeting to discuss plans to install a new water pipeline in Dedham.
MWRA Public Meeting:
7:00 p.m.
Endicott Estates
656 East Street, Dedham
MWRA’s Southern Extra High service area provides drinking water to Canton, Dedham, Norwood, Stoughton, Westwood, portions of Brookline and Milton, as well as the Roslindale, West Roxbury and Hyde Park sections of Boston. Five communities in the southern portion of the service area (Canton, Norwood, Dedham, Westwood, and Stoughton) use approximately 5 million gallons per day on average and are served by a single water transmission main known as Section 77. Section 77 is one of MWRA’s older transmission lines, installed in the 1950s.
The Southern Extra High Redundancy project will provide redundancy to Section 77 to ensure water service in the event of a break on Section 77. The project is separated into three separate construction contracts. The first contract, currently ongoing, will install approximately 11,000 linear feet of 36-inch diameter water main within DCR’s Stony Brook Reservation in Boston from the West Roxbury Parkway, across Washington Street, along Enneking Parkway and end at the Boston city line with Dedham on the Dedham Parkway. The contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons, is scheduled to complete this work in the fall of 2018.
The two additional contracts are within the Town of Dedham. One will continue on Dedham Boulevard toward and through East Dedham Square, cross Milton Street onto Walnut, Mt. Vernon, and Jefferson Streets, ending just before East Street. This contract is scheduled to be awarded in the spring or summer 2017.
The third contract continues on Jefferson Street crossing East Street onto Rustcraft Road and then crosses under the commuter rail at Dedham Corporate Station in the direction of the East Street rotary and will travel under route 128 into Westwood. This contract is expected to be awarded by fall 2017.
All roads where the new pipe is installed will be completely paved at the end of each contract from curb to curb. Any sidewalks where the pipe is installed will also be reconstructed as new within the limits of the earthwork at the end of each contract.
Both contracts two and three are scheduled to be complete by the end of 2019.
MWRA has recently developed a new notification system for communicating information to residents regarding construction projects, community meetings and more. We encourage all residents to sign up at http://www.mwra.com/updates/everbridge/join.html .
For more information, please call Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA at 617-305-5762 or email at Jeffrey.McLaughlin@mwra.com.
Update 12/28/16
Work to Resume, Dedham Parkway Will be Closed for Traffic January 4
Please be advised MWRA's contractor, P. Gioioso and Company, plan on resuming work in the Dedham Parkway area on Tuesday January 3, 2017. On Wednesday January 4, 2017 they plan on shutting the parkway down to install the concrete vault. The Dedham Parkway will be closed to all traffic beginning at approximately 9AM and will reopen at 4PM. Please read the December 22 update below for more information.
MWRA has recently developed a new notification system for communicating information to residents regarding construction projects, community meetings and more. We encourage all residents to sign up at http://www.mwra.com/updates/everbridge/join.html .
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jeff McLaughlin at 617-305-5762 or Jeffrey.Mclaughlin@mwra.com.
Update 12/22/16
Pipeline Installation Continues, Next Phase to Begin in Early January
The MWRA, along with our contractor P. Gioioso and Company, have installed approximately 900 feet of 36 inch water pipe. This contract calls for a total of 11,000 feet of pipe. The contractor plans to work through Thursday, December 22.
The next phase of work requires the contractor to set a large pre-fabricated concrete vault within Dedham Parkway. This vault requires a crane for off loading and setting the structure within the parkway. This work requires a full road closure. Dedham Parkway will be closed at Milton Street at Dunkin Donuts and CVS. The closure will begin at 9AM, after the morning rush hour. The road will remain closed until 4PM. Weather permitting the contractor plans on performing this work on Wednesday January 4. The MWRA will have a more definitive timeline late next week. MWRA will post this information late next week.
Bus service in this area will not be interrupted.
Looking further down the schedule once the above work is completed the contractor will move to West Roxbury on the West Roxbury Parkway in the area of Bellevue Towers. The work in this location also involves the installation of large vaults, valves and the piping associated with this type of work. Once this work is completed the contractor plans on traveling south along the WR Parkway, crossing Washington Street onto Enneking Parkway with the installation of the 36 inch water pipe.
The MWRA would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during this important improvement project. We would also like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
Update 11/01/16
Pipe Installation to Begin at Boston/Dedham Line Week of November 7 Please be advised the project is progressing with minor work in place thus far. Tree protection and environmental controls have been established. Tree cutting and trimming is complete.
As you are aware there is a fair amount of ledge along the pipe alignment and the contractor will continue to conduct subsurface investigative work using borings. These borings are spaced intermittently to try and establish a profile of the ledge beneath the surface of the roadway. This profile will assist the contractor with the pipe installation.
Starting the week of November 7, Gioioso will begin to install the 36-inch pipe beginning at the Boston/Dedham city/town line. The pipe installation will proceed toward Boston from this point. Please do not hesitate to contact Jeff McLaughlin by email or at (617) 305-5762.
Update 09/14/16
Construction Contract for Section 111 Awarded for Work in Boston (MWRA Contract 1)
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority recently awarded P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc the Southern Extra High Pipeline Section 111 contract. The contract bid price was $11,770,000.00. This is the first of three contracts to be bid in this region. This contract, contract 1, is located entirely in Boston. Contract 2 and 3 are located in Dedham and finishes up in Westwood. Contract 2 and 3 will go out to bid next year. In the next few weeks you will begin to see the contractor, P. Gioioso & Sons begin construction activities. These activities will involve environmental controls, tree protection, and borings at certain locations to determine subsurface conditions. Please note all of this work is located within the City of Boston. Please do not hesitate to contact Jeff McLaughlin by email or at (617) 305-5762.
Update 03/02/16:
Public Meeting on MWRA Project in Dedham
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 to provide updated construction plans for an upcoming water pipeline project that will run along Dedham Boulevard, Walnut Street, Mt. Vernon Street, Jefferson Street and Rustcraft Road.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 23 at the Dedham Middle School, 70 Whiting Avenue at 7:00 p.m.
The Southern Extra High Redundancy and Storage Project (SEH) will provide redundancy to Sections 77 and 88, which are currently single spine water mains serving Canton, Norwood, Stoughton and Dedham-Westwood, through construction of a redundant pipeline. The project will also increase distribution storage within the service area to improve system operation and reliability.
Additional information on the project can be obtained from Jeffrey McLaughlin at MWRA (617) 305-5762 or on the MWRA Southern Extra High Project Update page (this page). MWRA urges residents along the route to attend this important public hearing.
Update 08/06/15:
Contractors to Take Borings in Mother Brook, Dedham During the Week of August 10-17
On Monday August 10 the MWRA along with our consultant, Fay Spofford & Thorndike, will take borings in five locations in Mother Brook (Saw Mill Bridge area) in Dedham. A barge-type apparatus will be located in this area for a period of approximately one week. If you have any questions please contact Jeff McLaughlin at 617-305-5762.